The website is published by the company VIDZIT SAS whose head office is located at 56 avenue du bois de Verrières, 92 160 Antony, France, registered with the RCS of Nanterre under the number
832 079 420.


The company Vidzit, a simplified joint stock company, with a capital of €138,000, registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 832 079 420, whose registered office is located at 56 avenue du bois de Verrières, 92160 Antony, France (hereinafter "Vidzit") is, in this Data Protection Policy, considered as a controller within the meaning of the EU Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter "GDPR"). You can read all the information about Vidzit on the Legal Notice page. 


When you visit the Site, as well as when you conclude a contract, Vidzit may collect various information about you. This information is collected in particular by means of forms.

The data collected directly from you are the following:

- Identification data (surname, first names, title, date of birth, country of residence, etc.);
- Contact data (postal address, e-mail address, telephone number, etc.);
- Any other information you wish to provide (Optional information).


The purposes for which the data mentioned in article 2 are processed are the following: 

3.1 Processing necessary for the provision of services (legal basis: the contract concluded between Vidzit and yourself or the fulfilment of pre-contractual obligations)

- Analysis of the request transmitted via the website and response to the request - Follow-up of the order and customer relations 

3.2. Processing necessary for marketing and canvassing operations (legal basis: legitimate interest of Vidzit to canvass)

- Loyalty actions or personalized commercial prospecting for services equivalent to those you have ordered;
- Compilation of statistics

3.3. Processing necessary to comply with legal obligations imposed on Vidzit

- Invoicing, accounting
- Answers to requests to exercise your personal data rights.

3.4. Sending a newsletter (Legal basis: your consent)


When a contract is entered into with Vidzit, Vidzit will retain your personal data for the duration of the contractual relationship. When the contract is terminated, your personal data will be retained for the statutory retention period for contracts.

Vidzit only keeps your personal data for as long as it is necessary for the purposes of the processing, for the fulfilment of its legal obligations or in order to maintain the possibility of defending legal claims:

Data categories 


Conversation times

Data from the prospect file

Contact data 

Constitution and management of the customer / prospect file for prospecting purposes 

3 years from the exercise of the right to object or the last contact with the prospect  

Data processed for the contractual relationship 

Identification data, data relating to the contract and the follow-up of the contractual relationship 

Follow-up of the customer relationship Probationary function 

Legal retention period for commercial contracts 

Data processed in connection with the exercise of rights 

Identification, application and processing data 

Exercise of rights 

1 month for the copy of the identity document if applicable and 3 years for the other documents and data 

Data transmitted via the site for a service request 

Identification and contact data 

Analyze and respond to the demand 

If the request is followed by a contract, for the duration of the contract. If no contract, 3 years from receipt of request.


5.1. Transmission to the authorized departments of Vidzit

Employees of the various sales and marketing departments may have access to the data. Access to the data is subject to individual and limited access authorizations. 

5.2. Transmission to the competent authorities

Vidzit may transmit personal data to competent authorities, such as public authorities and administrative authorities, and more generally in all situations where the law, regulations or an administrative or judicial decision requires it. 

5.3. Transfer of data to Vidzit's subcontractors

In order to provide the requested service, Vidzit has recourse to subcontractors within the meaning of the RGPD (hosting of the information system, outsourcing, maintenance, management of the e-mail system, performance of services, etc.). Vidzit's subcontractors only process the data provided on the instructions of Vidzit.  


Your personal data is processed within the European Economic Area (EEA), without export to third countries. 


As a data controller, Vidzit implements appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons. 


8.1. Right of access

You have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning you are being processed and, where they are, access to said personal data as well as several information on the processing carried out, pursuant to Article 15 of the GDPR. 

8.2. Right of rectification

You also have the right to obtain the rectification of personal data concerning you when they are inaccurate. 

8.3. Right to erasure

You also have the right to obtain the deletion of personal data concerning you when:

- they are no longer necessary with regard to the purposes for which they were collected,
- you object to the processing pursuant to Article 21 of the RGPD,
- you are able to demonstrate that these personal data are the subject of unlawful processing,
- the data collected via the Site concern a minor.

8.4. Right to limit processing

You can get the controller to limit the processing, for example by suspending it, when:

- a dispute arises as to the accuracy of the processed data,
- a dispute arises as to the lawfulness of the processing,
- the processing is no longer necessary for the controller, but the data is still necessary for you to establish, exercise or defend legal claims,
- you have objected to the processing pursuant to Article 21 (1) GDPR; but there is a dispute as to whether the legitimate grounds pursued by Vidzit prevail over yours.

8.5. Right to data portability

Where processing is based on consent or the preparation or performance of a contract, or carried out using automated processes, you have the right to receive the data you have provided to Vidzit, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and to transmit such data to another controller. 

8.6. Right to object

You also have, under the conditions defined in Article 21 of the RGPD:
- the right to obtain, for reasons relating to your particular situation, that we no longer proceed with the processing of personal data concerning you in certain cases (Article 21.1. of the RGPD);
- the right to object to the processing of personal data concerning you for canvassing purposes(right to object to canvassing - Article 21.2. of the RGPD).

8.7. Right to withdraw consent

You have the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of your data at any time, where such consent is based on the processing of your data, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing carried out prior to such withdrawal. 

8.8. Guidelines for the retention, deletion and disclosure of your personal data after your death

Finally, you have the right to define, modify and revoke at any time directives relating to the conservation, deletion and communication of your personal data after your death. These instructions can be general or specific.

We can only be a repository for specific instructions regarding the data we process. General directives may be collected and maintained by a CNIL-certified trusted digital third party. You also have the right to designate a third party to whom your data may be disclosed after your death, by informing that third party of your intent and the fact that unambiguously identifiable data will be provided to us, and to provide that third party with this Data Protection Policy.

8.9. Exercise of rights

When you exercise your rights, we process your personal identification data as well as the data relating to your request for the purpose of managing it. This data is kept for a period of three (3) years, with the exception of a copy of your identity card, which is kept for one (1) month if necessary.

You may exercise your rights by sending us a request specifying the rights you wish to exercise:

- either to the following e-mail address:
- or to the following postal address: 56 avenue du bois de Verrières, 921600 Antony, France.

In case of reasonable doubt as to the identity of the person sending the request to Vidzit, we may ask you for additional information and/or documents in order to verify your identity and in particular a copy of your identity card.

8.10. Complaint to the CNIL

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority (in France, this is the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés, the CNIL). 

9. Changes to the Data Protection Policy

Vidzit may modify this Privacy Policy from time to time. We encourage you to review it each time you visit the Site.